The Longest Ride

In an interview with the website SlashFilm, screenwriters Scott Beck and Bryan Woods revealed that Paramount Pictures originally intended to incorporate A Quiet Place (2018) into the studio's Cloverfield (2008) film franchise. As Beck said in the interview, "I guess it crossed our mind and we had spoken to our representatives about that possibility.

It was weird timing, though, because when we were writing the script, 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) was at Paramount. We were actually talking to an executive there about this film, and it felt from pitch form that there might be crossover, but when we finally took the final script in to Paramount, they saw it as a totally different movie."

The screenwriters and director John Krasinski were ultimately relieved and grateful for Paramount to finally decide to allow them to make the film as a wholly original, stand-alone film, rather than to make it as a part of the Cloverfield film franchise, or any other film franchise for that matter. "One of our biggest fears was this [the film] getting swept up into some kind of franchise or repurposed for something like that," Woods added. "The reason I say 'biggest fear' - we love the 'Cloverfield' movies. They're excellent.

 It's just that as filmgoers, we crave new and original ideas, and we feel like so much of what's out there is IP. It's comic books, it's remakes, it's sequels. We show up to all of them, we enjoy those movies too, but our dream was always to drop something different into the marketplace, so we feel grateful that Paramount embraced the movie as its own thing."

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